So if you watched the death battle I recently posted or have a basic knowledge of Spiderman and Batman, than you’ll know most of this. But for those people that want deeper info and/or you just don’t like death battle, youtube, or screwattack videos, well here it is.

Back Story

As a child, Bruce Wayne was a normal boy and every day was a normal day. (you know, besides being a frickin millionaire!). But this was a dreaded day for him. For he and his parents went to see a movie that they saw before. This made him feel guilty and made him feel like he brought his parents to their death. Anyways Bruce’s father had a shortcut to their car, through a alley, you can see where this is going. On their way through an alley, they were then jumped by a robber and the robber killed Bruce’s parents. This made Bruce feel guilty at first because it was his idea to go to the movie in the first place. Then, after he no longer felt guilty, he started his training to fight. Alfred (Bruce’s butler) training him he learned simple boxing. This training continued into his adulthood were he mastered all fighting styles ever, detective work, technology, and more. He was even trained by the league of assassins.

Gagets And Abilities

At this point there are so many comics with so many variations of the Batman. But I’m choosing the most basic variation. I am choosing the most basic batman in his regular suit, and basic weapons including some from Arkham city. So now that thats out of the way batman will have no outside help in this battle, so sorry Alfred. He will have access to his vehicle calling devices, so the Batmobile, the Bat/Batplane and the Batpod are possibilities. His cape not only looks cool but it is great for covering things in the dark such as himself and deflecting bullets. As you all know Batman is a master of all martial arts, stealth, technology and detective work

Known Weaknesses

Batman doesn’t have many known weaknesses, however if he gets shot, stabbed, punched, ect. he will be hurt. But lets back up. While he can get hurt he has shacked theses wounds off before, mainly by the drive to protect the people. Not to mention that it is dang near impossible to reach such a feat such as just scraping the Batman. Other wise Batman has no known weaknesses

Mental State

Last but not least, Bruce Wayne’s Mental state. Bruce despite seeing his mother and father get shot before his eyes, controls all of his emotions, and is not insane. Batman feels no fear and has a need to protect others. Some how he only sleeps 4 hours a day yet still manages to stand and beat the crap out of criminals and villains he has trained his body so it’s controlled by thought not reflexes, and he has a photographic memory.

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